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Did you know that Australians spend over $1 billion each year on tea and coffee? That's almost $20 million each week! Imagine if just some of that could go towards bringing freedom to those vulnerable to trafficking and slavery?  We have an exciting and world-changing challenge for you! Are you ready?

We want to invite you to join COFFEE MONEY MONDAYS by choosing to skip your barista-made coffee each Monday and donate the money to end slavery instead!
With every coffee you donate, you can help keep a child in our sports and mentoring program for 1 week!* Now that is a sacrifice worth making!

You can choose the amount you want to give, equivalent to how many coffees (or cokes or chocolates!) you are prepared to give up! You can choose to donate weekly or monthly by Credit Card or Direct Debit. 

To make a once-off donation, click here.

It’s only a few dollars and it means so much more. I love that I’m remembering each week that a small cost for me has a big impact on someone else. It’s easy.
— Jennifer, Coffee Money Mondays Partner

*All donations go where most needed. $5 is the approximate cost per person per week in our sports and mentoring prevention program in India, which makes up a large proportion of our funding commitments.