Urgent Update on The NSW Modern Slavery Act

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It’s been over 3 years now since the NSW Modern Slavery Act was passed with bipartisan support by both the Upper and Lower house. So why has it STILL not been signed into law?

Heralded and contributed to by multiple anti-trafficking organisations, including us here at The Freedom Project Australia, The Modern Slavery Act of 2018 is renowned as one of the strongest pieces of anti-slavery legislation in the world, with immense potential to do real good in a time where good is sorely needed. However, special interest groups claiming to ‘protect small businesses’ (which are not impacted by the Act whatsoever) have held it back for the past three years.

It is time to #GetItDon

The Freedom Project, in partnership with International Justice Mission (IJM) and numerous other anti-trafficking organisations, ‘are calling on the Minister with carriage, Special Minister of State Don Harwin, to finally fulfil the will of the 56th Parliament of NSW and to proclaim and commence the Act.’ (IJM 14/09/21)


We want the government to know how important the Act’s most vital mechanisms are in combatting modern slavery, including:

  1. An appointment of an Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner

  2. Requirements for businesses with an annual revenue of over $50 million to transparently report on the risks of slavery in their supply chains

  3. Penalising big businesses who do not comply

  4. Providing support for victims in Australia


So how can YOU get involved?

While anti-trafficking organisations like The Freedom Project, IJM and many others are working together tirelessly, we need your help to get the Modern Slavery Act back on the NSW Government’s agenda, to ensure it gets proclaimed and commended!

1.      You can get involved by pushing the campaign on social media, whether its LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, with the addition of #GetitDon and #NotInOurSupplyChain

2.      You can organise a meeting with your Local MP to express your concern that the bill may pass gutted of it’s most vital components due to special interest groups.
If you've never done this before, reply to this email or call us on 0427 233 733 and we can walk you through the process.

3.      NSW businesses can get involved by CEO’s signing onto an open letter explaining why a strong NSW Modern Slavery Act matters. Contact The Freedom Project today and we can help you be a part of this open letter!

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Sara Ralphs