Tara's Testimony


Written by Tara Broadbridge

It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do in life…

Growing up, I had two parents as teachers. I grew up with my mother, a wonderful music teacher who inspired me to learn about music, art and culture, and my father, a business studies teacher, who encouraged me to learn about the world of business. By my side, they introduced me to both of their worlds, and I really wanted a way to blend them both together.

It was coming to the end of high school, and I was confident about taking a gap year. I was uncertain about what to study, and I needed the time to figure out what I was passionate about or could at least potentially see myself doing. During this gap year, I had attended various events. Event's for amusement, entertainment, educational purposes, and self-development. I spent that year in complete awe and amazement at what I thought it meant to be an event manager; to spend copious amounts of time planning and organising to perfection, to help create an experience for someone that is memorable, inclusive and away from mundane life.

After much thought, I realised event management was simply perfect for me, as it blended both of the worlds that my parents taught me.


Now I find myself a student currently studying a Bachelor of Management, majoring in Events, and as a part of my degree I needed to complete an internship.

I know that for many, the decision on where to complete an internship can be very challenging and difficult. But for me, it was so simple. What started as a requirement for Uni soon turned into so much more.

The Freedom Project was the first organisation that came to mind for numerous reasons. I had been aware of the non-for-profit since I was a little girl since so many of my family and friends cared for and supported the organisation.

After attending Freedom Event after Freedom Event, I was able to see The Freedom Project evolve and expand over the last ten years. I had always been impressed by their work, so when it was time to look for an internship, the answer seemed obvious.

 I also wanted to intern at The Freedom Project because I believed in their values. I too am very passionate about helping vulnerable people, and want to work with the local community with integrity.

So what’s my Top Tip for students?

If you’re looking for a Uni internship, choose an organisation that best authentically aligns to you and your values.


My time as TFP’s ‘Event Organising and Fundraising’ Intern is almost at an end, and I am so glad I followed my instincts. The Freedom Project has provided me with hands-on experiences, where I have strengthened my knowledge on the area’s most relevant to me and what I do; event management, customer relationship management, marketing and networking. All of this has helped to improve my event management skills, including; communication skills, time management skills, negotiation skills, adaptive skills and problem-solving abilities.


Overall, because of The Freedom Project, I have been able to gain richer insights not only into the Event Industry, but also the anti-trafficking space in Australia. This internship has allowed me to apply my three years of study into real-world practices and made a difference to an organisation that has been making a difference.

 It has been a rewarding experience been able to work on my passion, while working alongside like-minded individuals, and knowing my work these past few months has actively helped some of the world’s most vulnerable people. What more can you ask for when completing an internship?

It sounds cliché, but I really do see it as a win-win-win situation. I was able to gain valuable experience for my future career while at the same time, the work I do actively helps The Freedom Project’s work to end slavery one life at a time. 

For those of you needing an internship in order to complete your studies, I highly recommend considering The Freedom Project. You don’t have to be studying event management like me, there are so many ways you can help. Whether you’re an admin wizard, or great with accounting, or love social media, or anything in between, you have skills that The Freedom Project needs.

If you feel called to help our work whether you are a Uni student or whether you have time and capacity, reach out to our team and start making a difference today.



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