2021: Our year in review!


By Sara Ralphs

This past year has certainly had many challenges, but with Christmas upon us once more, a new season seems to be on its way!

With a year of lockdowns, cancelled plans and separated families [hopefully] behind us now, the shops are once again filled with twinkling lights, and we are all preparing for the holiday season… meaning it is also the perfect time to look back on the year that was.

As part of our emergency response to India’s Second wave of Covid-19 The Freedom Project has

  • Fed over 10,000+ migrants left in tent cities by local govt. authorities

  • Provided over 400+ families in slum communities with essential ration-kits

  • Hand-delivered daily hot meals to 200+ Covid-positive people stuck in isolation

With your support in 2021, our anti-trafficking programs:

  • Educated & mentored over 1000 boys through our sports programs, like these boys here!

  • Protected, supported, re-trained & restored 13 women (plus several of their children) in our safe house

  • Educated 2500+ local Indians about trafficking & slavery through schools and community forums.


THANK YOU - we couldn’t have done it without you! Together, you have helped us bring freedom, one life at a time to thousands of people in India alone!

From Poverty to Purpose:
We Are Making Leaders

Satish first joined our soccer mentoring program when he was a boy. After years of being trained and mentored, Satish was one of the first kids from the program to become one of our coaches and an essential staff member. Now an integral part of the TFP team, Satish is one of our senior coaches, and responsible for a large part of the Sport For Life program operations. We’re ecstatic to announce he just got married to the beautiful Blessy in November! What a blessing, and what a life transformed!

 “Satish was one of the very first beneficiaries of the program, and today he leads by example and loves the Lord deeply. He is a mentor, friend and a coach to hundreds of boys from under-served communities.” Says Anita, Head of TFP India.

Will YOU help us raise young leaders like Satish and bring freedom this Christmas, by giving today?

if you haven’t already, please consider how you can
give to our 2021 Christmas Appeal.

A gift of just $60 can help provide a trafficking-survivor
with vocational training for 2 whole weeks!
Will you help us end slavery, one life at a time, and donate today?

Sara Ralphs